
  • Let us help you open a bank account

  • This will take you 1 week

  • Required documents:

    • Employment contract

    • Passport / Identification card

    • Swiss residency permit

Opening a bank account in Switzerland as quickly as possible following your arrival is recommended. Your Swiss employer will insist on paying your salary into a Swiss bank account, and to avoid international transfer charges, you will almost certainly prefer to pay your rent and utilities from a Swiss bank account.

Opening a bank account is subject to various regulations. The application process can vary depending on your nationality and place of residence. There are three things you will definitely need:

  • An ID card or passport

  • A valid Swiss residency and work permit (or a residency permit plus a Swiss employment contract)

  • Yourself, in person

The last point is as important as the previous two, because you cannot open a bank account online, over the phone or by send your partner or lawyer to open one for you. Swiss laws require banks to confirm a potential client’s identity and to verify their source of income.

What to look out for

  • Nearly every bank charges a monthly or annual fee for use of the account. The fee varies, typically based on which banking services you sign up for. Most people look to have a current account (to receive their salary), a savings account, at least one credit card, and access to online banking.

  • You must be registered as a resident in Switzerland before being able to open an account.

Special offer for newcomers at Credit Suisse

Benefit from two years of free banking services, worth CHF 360, as well as fast-tracked account opening, when you ask Swissify to put you in contact with leading Swiss bank Credit Suisse. Through Swissify you can set-up an appointment with the bank before your arrival.

Request banking support from Swissify